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Salem Community Chorus
Salem, Oregon
June 21, 2021



It is the purpose of the Board Members and Staff of the Salem Community Chorus to provide a safe and secure environment for youth and vulnerable adults singing with our chorus, and for those who interact with them. We want to provide a harassment-free experience for all our
This Code of Conduct has been adopted by Salem Community Chorus to help the chorus create safe environments for youth and vulnerable adults. All chorus members and staff are asked to consider carefully each statement in this policy and to adhere to them. 




1.  Choir members and staff agree not to physically, sexually, or emotionally abuse anyone.
2.  In the event that members or staff observe any possible policy violations with youth or vulnerable adults, they are required to report immediately their observations to Board Members (James Rosalez, Board Chair, in accordance with these policies.




1.  Sexual abuse or harassment by leadership or membership in the Salem Community Chorus will not be tolerated.
2.  No one who has been convicted of child abuse (whether sexual, physical, or emotional) shall be hired as leadership of the chorus.
3.  Except for parents, guardians or caregivers, no adult shall be alone with a youth or vulnerable adult.
4.  Members shall immediately report to chorus Board Members or staff any knowledge of behavior that seems abusive. 




1. For staff: A background check, including written authorization from the prospective employee to request a criminal records check, and a completed employment application shall be required of all new employees.
2. For chorus leaders: An incident reporting form shall be completed to document the reporting of any incident. All allegations of abuse will be reported to the appropriate state agency.




 1.  Abuse – includes, but is not limited to, the following:
  •  Physical abuse is non-accidental injury, which is intentionally inflicted upon a youth or vulnerable adult.
  •  Sexual abuse perpetrated by an adult is any contact or activity of a sexual nature that occurs between a youth or vulnerable adult and an adult. This includes any activity which is meant to arouse or gratify the sexual desires of the adult, youth, or vulnerable adult.
  •  Sexual abuse perpetrated by another youth or vulnerable adult is any contact or activity of a sexual nature that occurs between a youth, or vulnerable adult when there is no consent, when consent is not possible, or when one youth or vulnerable adult has power over the other person. This includes any activity which is meant to arouse or gratify the sexual desires of any of the youth or vulnerable adults.
  •  Emotional abuse is mental or emotional injury to a youth or vulnerable adult that results in an observable and material impairment in the youth or vulnerable adult’s growth, development or psychological functioning.
  •  Neglect is the failure to provide for a youth or vulnerable adult’s basic needs or the failure to protect a youth or vulnerable adult from harm.
  •  Economic exploitation is the deliberate misplacement, exploitation, or wrongful temporary or permanent use of a youth or vulnerable adult’s belongings or money.
  •  Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment, which includes sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature in which submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s membership status or in which submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual affects decision regarding membership status decisions of an individual, or in which such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s performance by creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or learning environment.
2.  Vulnerable adult - anyone over age 65 or who by virtue of physical injury, disability, disease, or emotional or developmental disorders is unable to provide independently for their own basic necessities of life.
3.  Youth – anyone who is at least 12 but not yet 18 years old, or anyone still in high school, regardless of age.

Approved June 21, 2021 SCC Board